英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:08:52

see red

英 [si: red]

美 [si rɛd]

大怒; 攘臂嗔目

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. become angry

e.g. He angers easily

Synonym: anger

1. 大怒:我们在日常用语中使用红色描述几个事情:我们会大怒(see red)、有大喜之日(red letter day)、坐上红眼航班(red eye flight)、扑上红地毯(red carpet)然后狂欢作乐(paint the town red).

2. 发怒:see reason 看到理由 | see red 发怒 | see service 具有经验

3. 突然发怒:15 Cut the tape 取消繁文缛节 | 16 See red 突然发怒 | 17 Turn as white as a sheet 脸色变得苍白

You can see red on the walls of old palaces, lanterns, weddings and so on.(古老宫殿的墙壁,灯笼,以及婚礼上你都可以看到红色。)
I see red.(我看见红色。)
Now, you can see red everywhere in China.(如今,你可以看到红色无处不在。)
Walk the earth, curled up in the beam plate see red.(倘佯人间,盘蜷在梁上窥看红尘。)
He certainly will see red should you start criticizing his work.(假如你开始批评他的工作,他一定会冒火。)
Humans have three kinds of cones that allow us to see red, green and blue.(人类有三种锥体,使我们能够识别红色、绿色和蓝色。)
If you wear red colored glasses on your eyes you will see red all over.(要是你戴红眼镜,你看到的将都是红色的。)
When I heard of cruelty to animals it makes me see red.(我听说残忍虐待动物,就怒发冲冠。)
We see red leaves everywhere on our way.(你看这一路上漫山的红叶。)
I see red whenever I hear that man's name.(我一听到那个人的名字心里便火冒三丈。)
see red是什么意思 see red在线翻译 see red什么意思 see red的意思 see red的翻译 see red的解释 see red的发音 see red的同义词